
Tuesday 5 February 2013

The Last Stand

Arnie is back! Best way to put it - Welcome back Arnold Schwarzenegger.
This is the governator's first lead role since Terminator 3 in 2003. And i can assure you he is back with a bang!! Arnold made cameos in the expendables 1 and 2 however this movie allows us to recall just how good of an action star he is and to also realise that he can still kick ass. Now i'm a huge fan of Arnie and thats why i saw this movie and if im honest without him it wouldnt have the same excitement becuase his presence gives the movie a boost.
The story is of a criminal mastermind escaping custody and heading for the border of Mexico which happens to lead him to a sleepy bordertown named Somerton Junction. He expects this to be a straightforward escape with the difficult part over, however the sheriff of this town (None other than Schwarzenegger) is not going down without a fight and gathers together townfolk to take a stand.

So the plot sounded quite basic but unique as it is seen rarely but seems too ordinary to appeal. BUT do not let this put you off!! The movie starts out with an insight on the town and on the sheriff who is fighting his past and of the escaped convict and the FBI's struggle to capture him. This is the focus for the first hour of the movie and it leads up to the climax in which with around 45 mins left, the town prepares to fight back and bring the criminal's escape to a halt.

- Action sequences are well choreographed
- Johnny Knoxville provides great comic relief
- Good supporting cast - Forrest Whittaker, Genesis Rodriguez, Knoxville, Jamie Alexander
- Cheesy one liners (I'm the sheriff)
- Climax could have been extended
- More evidence to show how dangerous the protagonist was

In fairness, this movie will probably be underated and seen as a typical 'cheesy schwarzenegger flick' but its so much more than that. It makes a decent storyline out of a basic plot and the small details help it stand out. The action sequences are realistic and fun to watch but the film lacked a little flair which more action and longer sequences could have provided. The actual 'stand' in the climax could have also been made longer but it was good enough.
I do not own this trailer

6.5/10 - A decent comeback for Arnie but can be deemed as worth watching just the once

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